The Funambulist

THE EQUILIBRIST (or the funambulist)

a funambulist with a fear of heights…A joke, right? 


Living his life on a high wire, amusing people and giving  them emotion.

His job was to make people look up in the air, (with their) noses up, and therefore learn how to aim higher.

He was joyful and honored for the hard task he had.


 a funambulist with a fear of heights…A joke, right? 


What people didn't know was that in order to learn balance and defeat his fears, the funambulist started very young to look inside himself…and there, he found the vertigo.


 a funambulist with a fear of heights…A joke, right? 


The vertigo of the abyss that lives within each one of us, the vertigo of the unknown that lives in that dark little place between the soul and the conscience.


And when he is up there, with spotlights on him, when his profile meets the beam of light, he turns into an eclipse and his body becomes  thick darkness…bodies and souls share their shadows and lights.


And by looking at him, people look at their own abyss and feel the vertigo of the unknown that lives in that dark little place between soul and conscience, between wisdom and madness.


Outta Here


Ode To A Breakup